all things are nonabiding


All things are set

on a nonabiding basis. The nonabiding basis is

based on nonabiding. If you can reach a thorough understanding

of this, then all things are One Suchness, and you cannot

find even the slightest signs

of abiding. 


The whole of

your present activities and behavior

is nonabiding. Once the basis is clear to you,

it will be like having eyes: the sun is shining brightly,

and you can see all kinds of colors and

forms. Isn’t this the mainspring of

transcendent wisdom?


Yongjia said,

“Without leaving wherever you are,

there is constant clarity.” No words come closer

to the truth than these. If you start seeking, then we know

that you are unable to see. Just cut off any duality between

“wherever you are” and “constant clarity,” and make

yourself peaceful and serene. Avoid concocting

intellectual understanding and seeking.

As soon as you seek, it is like

grasping at shadows.

