the myriad things are peaceful

dream baby dream


Haven’t you

read the ancient worthy’s saying?

“The white clouds are clear and still, and the rivers

flow into the blue sea. The myriad things are

originally peaceful, but people

make trouble for



After all,

this statement is completely

accurate and true. If you know what it means

as soon as you hear it mentioned, you can use it to pass

through birth and death to freedom and no longer be obstructed

by the psycho-physical nexus. You will be like a bird getting

out of a cage — independent and free. With a single

stroke you put a stop to all other actions and

talk, and you no longer fall into

secondary views.




the subtle universe appears

rip, colossal soul



your mind, following

your breath, simplifying your life,

you reduce agitation and worry

with each passing




genuine stillness

pervades your existence,

the subtle universe appears.

Then you can go anywhere you

like and give yourself

just what you



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 19

Paperback / Kindle here




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Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

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practice without any gaining idea

the gate of suzuki


We say

to practice zazen

without any gaining idea,

without any purpose. Let things work

as they do, supporting everything as your own.

Real practice has orientation or direction, but it has

no purpose or gaining idea, so  it can include everything

that comes. Whether it is good or bad doesn’t matter.

If something bad comes: “Okay, you are a part

of me;” and if something good comes,

“Oh, okay.” Because we don’t have

any special goal or purpose

of practice, it doesn’t

matter what



Shunryu Suzuki


the world is a vessel for spirit

snow crows


If you try

to grab hold of the

world and do what you want

with it, you won’t



The world

is a vessel for spirit,

and it wasn’t made to be manipulated.

Tamper with it and you’ll spoil it.

Hold it, and you’ll

lose it.


With tao,

sometimes you move ahead

and sometimes you stay back; sometimes

you work hard and sometimes you rest; sometimes

you’re strong and sometimes you’re weak;

sometimes you’re up; sometimes

you’re down.


The sage

remains alert, avoiding

extremes, avoiding extravagance,

avoiding excess.


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 29


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

Art of War for iPad, Phone,

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Tao te Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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humility is the root of greatness



Humility is the

root of greatness. Those in high

positions do well to think of themselves 

as powerless, small and



Isn’t this

taking humility for the root? 

Attain honor without being honored. 

Don’t shine like jade, or

chime like bells. 


from The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 39


ebooks & apps of the Tao the Ching, I Ching,

Wei wu Wei Ching, Hua hu Ching, and

Art of War for iPad/Phone, Kindle,

Nook, or Android



can now buy

Tao te Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

for iPhone or iPad for less than

the cost of one hardcover


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