patiently bear with inferior elements

married to the sea


You are wise to bear
with inferior elements patiently and
kindly. The best way to have an influence now
is to cultivate inner strength and
outer calm.


A determined fool
has to be punished, but should not
be executed. If you are the fool, accept the lesson
and go on in correctness. If the fool is another,
let him go and leave the punishment
to the Sage.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 4, Mêng / Youthful Folly


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let us know our aims

Our task

as humans is to find

the few principles that will calm the

infinite anguish of free souls. We must mend

what has been torn apart, make justice imaginable

again in a world so obviously unjust, give happiness

a meaning once more to peoples poisoned by

the misery of the century. Naturally, it is

a superhuman task. But superhuman

is the term for tasks we take

a long time to accomplish,

that’s all.


Let us

know our aims then,

holding fast to the mind, even if

force puts on a thoughtful or a comfortable

face in order to seduce us. The first thing is not to

despair. Let us not listen too much to those who proclaim

that the world is at an end. Civilizations do not die so easily,

and even if our world were to collapse, it would not have

been the first. It is indeed true that we live in tragic

times. But too many people confuse tragedy with

despair. “Tragedy,” D.H. Lawrence said,

“ought to be a great kick at misery.”

This is a healthy and immediately

applicable thought. There are

many things today

deserving such

a kick.


If we are

to save the mind we must

ignore its gloomy virtues and celebrate

its strength and wonder. Our world is poisoned

by its misery, and seems to wallow in it. It has utterly

surrendered to that evil which Nietzsche called

the spirit of heaviness. Let us not add to this.

It is futile to weep over the mind,

it is enough to labor

for it. 


But where

are the conquering virtues

of the mind? The same Nietzsche listed

them as mortal enemies to heaviness of the spirit.

For him, they are strength of character, taste, the “world,”

classical happiness, severe pride, the cold frugality of

the wise. More than ever, these virtues are

necessary today, and each of us can

choose the one that suits

him best.


Before the

vastness of the undertaking,

let no one forget strength of character.

I don’t mean the theatrical kind on political

platforms, complete with frowns and threatening

gestures. But the kind that through the virtue of its purity

and its sap, stands up to all the winds that blow in

from the sea. Such is the strength of character

that in the winter of the world

will prepare the



Albert Camus 


weapons are tools of evil


Weapons are tools of evil,

shunned and avoided by everything

in nature. Because people of tao follow

nature, they want nothing to

do with weapons.


Un-evolved people are eager

to act out of strength, but a person of tao

values peace and quiet. He knows that every being

is born of the womb of tao. This means that his

enemies are his enemies second, his own

brothers and sisters first.


Thus he resorts to weapons

only in the direst necessity, and then uses

them with utmost restraint. He takes no pleasure in victory,

because to rejoice in victory is to delight in killing.

Whoever delights in killing will not

find success in this world.


Observe victories as

you observe a death in the

family: with sorrow and mourning.

Every victory is a funeral

for kin.


Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu,

Chapter 31

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pass freely into complete realization

aarto saari


No teacher

or master is in possession of

your enlightenment. Ultimately only

you can free yourself. Just shed your delusions

like a sweaty shirt and slip into the stream of

zen and tao, empty minded, quiet hearted,

at rest in the midst of everything

and at peace with all

that occurs.


Polish yourself

on your own over and over

until you disappear, and you’ll wake up

right where you are. You’ll see straight

through the snares of the world and

pass freely into complete



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 27

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in a great storm the wise bird

julie mcinnes


In a great

storm the wise bird

returns to her nest and

waits patiently.


This is a time of difficult and dangerous conditions. You should not be seduced into struggling, striving, or seeking solutions through aggressive action. Success is met only by waiting modestly for the guidance of the Creative.Trying times are a test of our integrity and commitment to proper principles.
The ordinary person reacts to challenges with fear, anger, mistrust of fate, and a stubborn desire to strike out and eliminate difficulty once and for all. While the temptation to act in this way can be great, to do so can only lead to misfortune and the loss of hard-won ground.

The way of the superior person faced with difficulty is that of nonaction rather than action. She does not strive after recognition or resolution or attempt to gain a higher position by conquering others. Instead, she retreats into her center and cultivates humility, patience, and conscientiousness. On the path of acceptance, self-inquiry, and self-improvement we obtain the aid of the Creative and meet with success after the storm has passed.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 62, Hsiao Kuo /Preponderance of the Small


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Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

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