complete and perfect of itself

studying texts and stiff meditation


Some people,

not knowing the essential emptiness

of good and evil, think practical cultivation of mind

means to sit rigidly immobile, subduing mind

and body, like a rock placed on

top of grass.


This is ludicrous.

That is why it is said that followers

cut off confusion in every state of mind,

yet the mind that does the cutting

off is a brigand.


…People who practice

the Way should not seek externally.

The essence of mind has no defilement; it is originally

complete and perfect of itself. Just detach from

illusory objects, and it is enlightened

to suchness as is.



tracing back the radiance


add to goodness from your own heart

the way of jesus


Whenever we see

that goodness is lacking,

we may add to it from our own heart

and so complete the nobility of human nature.

This is done by patience, tolerance, kindness, forgiveness.

The lover of goodness loves every little sign of goodness.

He overlooks the faults and fills up the gaps by

pouring out love and supplying that

which is lacking. This is real

nobility of soul.


Hazrat Inayat Khan

the stream of love


facing trials and challenges


In times of war it is desirable 

to be led by a cautious

and humane



The hexagram Shih is a guide to proper conduct in the face of adversity. It is inevitable that we sometimes face trials and challenges in life. How we prepare ourselves, by whom we are led, and how we conduct ourselves during these “wars” determines whether we are victorious or not. The I Ching counsels us to follow the example of a first-rate army.

A truly powerful army always consists of a number of devoted soldiers who discipline themselves under the leadership of a superior general. If he has achieved his position through force, the general will not last for long and he will lose the support of his army when he needs it most. If on the other hand he has become a leader through superior conduct and even-handed treatment of this fellow soldiers, then his power is well consolidated and it endures.

So it is with us. Only by conducting ourselves humanely and with persevering balance can we have a genuine influence in trying times. There is always the temptation to be led into battle by our egos, but we are guaranteed a humiliating defeat if we turn our inferiors loose in this way. A superior person achieves victory in the same fashion as a superior army: by putting his inferior emotions under the guidance of his superior emotions, and by proceeding cautiously, modestly, and with the continual goal of achieving peace and detachment.

You are advised to prepare for a trial now. Your chances of success will be determined by how you conduct yourself within and without. If you remain alert, modest, just, and independent, all will go well. If you are gentle and humane, you will have the allegiance of those around you. Advance cautiously when the time is right, and when it is not, do not allow your ego to stand in the way of retreat and disengagement.

Remember that the ultimate victory in any battle comes when we regain our inner independence, our neutrality, and our equanimity. These can only be won by placing our inferiors under the leadership of our superiors. Do this now, and success will be yours.


The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 7, Shih / The Army


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