gradual cultivation

lori andrews


You must keep this

mind balanced and equanimous,

without deluded ideas of self and others,

without arbitrary loves and hates, without grasping

or rejecting, without notions of gain and loss.

Go on gradually nurturing this for

a long time, perhaps twenty

or thirty years.


Whether you encounter

favorable or adverse conditions,

do not retreat or regress — then when you

come to the juncture between life and death,

you will naturally be set free and be not afraid.

As the saying goes, “Truth requires sudden

awakening, but the phenomenal

level calls for gradual




zen letters


do non-doing and inherit the universe

giovani cordioli



wait around for

a teacher? Pick up staff

and knock the sense out of

yourself, so you can

enter eternity.


The ancestors

are everywhere around you,

offering the silent light of truth.

Put down what you’re doing with

your mind and pick up that up.

Do non-doing, and you’ll

inherit the whole



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 7

Paperback / Kindle here




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