in harmony with the sage

shamil zhumatov


Those who are steadfastly balanced, humble,

and in harmony with the Sage inherit

everything under the sun.


This is a time of great power and clarity for you. By conscientiously following the path of proper principles, you have come into partnership with the Higher Power and enjoy the influence of the Creative everywhere in your life. If you remain modest and balanced now, you will come into possession of prosperity and success.

The I Ching indicates here that you increased your personal power by purifying your thoughts, actions, and attitudes. When you have done this long enough so that service of the true and good becomes your only goal in life, you come into complete harmony with the universe. As a result, you begin to have a far-reaching influence, shining on others as the sun shines on everything under the heavens. Because your power is so great, it is especially important to maintain correct attitudes and behavior now.

Having attained a high position, you are wise to remain modest and generous toward others. Remember that it is the Higher Power who gives you your strength. Do not make the mistake of becoming proud, disdainful of others, or convinced of your ability to control events. By leaving the Sage in charge, withdrawing from all inferior influences, and promoting the good wherever possible, you remain gracefully balanced and in harmony with the universe. Your peace of mind becomes permanent, and in this way you come into possession of success and prosperity.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 14, Ta Yu / Possession in Great Measure


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buddha nature is your own nature


A deep

and sophisticated

understanding of Buddhism,

Taoism, Zen, Ch’an, philosophy,

meditation technique — none of these

is necessary to attain realization.

They are just as likely to

ensnare you in towers

of complicated




in the simple

understanding that

buddha nature is always,

has always been, will always be,

your own nature. Breathe into

that. Breathe out from it.

That is all.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 25

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hexagram 39 ☯️ obstruction


Surrounded by obstructions,

one must first retreat, then

seek the direction of

the Sage.


There is an old saying which fits this hexagram: “You are caught between a rock and a hard place.” In other words, you are surrounded by obstructions. As much as you may want to blame others for the difficulty, in all likelihood the true obstruction is in your own thinking. What is called for now is a retreat into self-examination and self-correction.

Emotions of desire, fear, or anger may tempt you to take action now, but do not be seduced. The presence of these strong feelings is proof that your are off balance and need to steady yourself. As long as you try to forcibly achieve results—rather than carefully following higher truth step by step—you will be obstructed from making personal progress.

Whenever we indulge in judgements about others, we obstruct our own peace of mind and progress. We should choose instead to see the best in others, allow them to come and go as they will, and turn our energies inward, toward self-improvement.

Often the faults in our own thinking are revealed only with the aid of others. You would be wise now to seek the advice of a qualified counselor or truth-minded friend. Retreat, self-examination, and self-correction will remove the obstructions that block your path now.


from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 39, Chien / Obstruction


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no such thing as other

trunk stuff


To the

ordinary being,

others often require tolerance.

To the highly evolved being, there is no

such thing as tolerance, because there is no

such thing as other. She has given up all

ideas of individuality and extended

her goodwill without prejudice

in every direction. 


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 15


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the reward of the virtuous

carl moon, navajo weaver


Greed for

enlightenment and

immortality is no different

than greed for material wealth.

It is self-centered and dualistic, and

thus an obstacle to true attainment.

Therefore these states are never

achieved by those who covet

them; rather, they are

the reward of the



If you

wish to become

a divine immortal angel,

then restore the angelic qualities

of your being through virtue

and service.


This is the only

way to gain the attention

of the immortals who teach the

methods of energy enhancement

and integration that enable

one to reach the

divine realm.


These angelic

teachers cannot be sought out;

it is they who seek out the student.

When you succeed in connecting your

energy with the divine realm through

high awareness and the practice of

undiscriminating virtue, the

transmission of the

ultimate subtle

truths will



This is the path that all angels

take to the divine realm.


from Hua hu Ching, Chapter 59


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