detachment from entanglements

no want is the greatest bliss


Severing entanglements

means detachmeht from entanglements

in contrived mundane concerns. Relinquish concerns

and your body will not be under a strain,

contrive nothing and your mind will

naturally be calm.


As serenity and simplicity

develop day by day, worldly defilement

lessens day by day. As your behavior departs further

and further from the mundane, your mind

becomes closer and closer

to the Way.


…As long as we do not

initiate anything, others will naturally

not get involved; even if others initiate something,

we do not get involved. As past entangelments gradually

stop, do not form new involvements. Ritual socializing

and opportunistic intercourse naturally become

remote, and you become unburdened

and at peace. Only then can you

practice the Way.


Treatise on Sitting Forgetting

translated by Thomas Cleary