wake up! don’t waste time

tassajara zen center


I often see

those who are trying

to study Buddhism just use

their worldly intelligence to sift

among the verbal teachings of the buddhas

and ancestral teachers, trying to pick out especially

wondrous sayings to use as conversation pieces to display

their ability and understanding. This is not the correct view

of  the matter. You must abandon your world view and sit

quietly with mind silent. Forget entangling causes

and investigate with your whole being. When

you are thoroughly clear, then whatever

you bring forth from your own

inexhaustible treasure of

priceless jewels is sure

to be genuine and



So first

you must awaken

to the Fundamental and

clearly see the essence where

mind equals buddha. Detach from

all false entanglements and become free

and clean. After that respectfully practice all

forms of good, and arouse great compassion to bring

benefits to all sentient beings. In all that you do, be even and

balanced and attuned to the inherent equality of all things —

be selfless and have no attachments. When wondrous

wisdom manifests itself and you penetrate through

to the basic essence, all your deeds will

be wonder-working. Thus it is said,

“Just manage to accept the

truth — you won’t be




enlightenment your

standard, and don’t feel bad

if it is slow in coming.

Take care!




there isn’t any need to seek outside

buddha meditation




isn’t any need 

to seek outside yourself. 

Look inside, allow ideas and 

methods and ways of perceiving to

dissolve, and you will see that 

your original face and that 

of all the buddhas are 

one and the 



Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 49 / Revolution

Paperback / Kindle here




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can now buy

Wei wu Wei Ching as part of a

five-app bundle of Taoist classics 

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the cost of one hardcover



without leaving where you are

sachi cunningham


Yongjia said,

“Without leaving where you are,

there is constant clarity.” No words come closer

to the truth than these. If you start seeking, then we

know that you are unable to see. Just cut off any duality

between “wherever you are” and “constant clarity”,

and make yourself peaceful and serene. Avoid

concocting intellectual understanding

and seeking. As soon as you seek,

it is like grasping at




zen letters


awaken to your own mind

tsukioka yoshitoshi


The unenlightened person

does not understand his own true nature,

does not realize the Pure Land in his own body,

and thus petitions all over. The enlightened person

never differs no matter where he is. For this reason

the Buddha says, “Wherever I may be I am always

in comfort and bliss…If only your mind is pure,

your own nature is itself the Pure

Land of the West.”


Platform Sutra


mark gleason


Being in tremendous turmoil,

the unoriented do not know that their own

mind is Buddha. They search about, outside of themselves,

spending the whole day contemplating the Buddha and paying

homage. But where is the Buddha? Do not entertain any

such false views. Awaken to your own mind:

outside the mind there can

be no Buddha.

