a clear and open state of freedom

hexagram 23 po ☯️ splitting apart



making judgements,

following patterns, firing arrows,

engaging in endless ideation and emotional

behavior — all these are to be abandoned

and transcended on the



Be still.

Do non doing.

A clear and open

state of freedom

will appear.


Wei wu Wei Ching, Chapter 23

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as soft and yielding as water

like streams flowing into the sea



under heaven is as

soft and yielding as water.

Yet for attacking the hard and

strong, nothing can

compare with



The weak

overcomes the strong.

The soft overcomes the hard.

Everyone knows this, but none

have the ability to

practice it.



the sage says: one who

accepts the dung of the nation

becomes the master of soil and sustenance.

One who deals with the evils of the

nation becomes king under



True words seem paradoxical.


The Tao te Ching of Lao Tzu

Chapter 78


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Hua hu Ching, Wei wu Wei Ching,

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Tao te Ching as part of a

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your mind contains the real buddha



Deluded a buddha is a being

Enlightened a being is a buddha

A foolish buddha is a being

A wise being is a buddha

A biased buddha is a being

An unbiased being is a buddha

As long as your mind is biased

The buddha dwells in a being

The moment you wake up unbiased

A being becomes a buddha

Your mind contains a buddha

Your buddha is the real one

If you didn’t have the buddha-mind

Where would you go to find a buddha?


Hui Neng

the platform sutra


washing dirt in mud



By even speaking a phrase to you,

I have already doused you with dirty water.

It would be even worse for me to put a twinkle in my eye

and raise my eyebrow to you, or rap on the meditation seat

or hold up a whisk, or demand, “What is this?”

As for shouting and hitting, it’s obvious

that this is just a pile of bones

on level ground.


There are also the type

who don’t know good from bad and

ask questions about Buddha and Dharma and Zen

and the Tao. They ask to be helped, they beg to be received,

they seek knowledge and sayings and theories relating to

the Buddhist teaching and to transcending the world

and to accommodating the world. This is washing

dirt in mud and washing mud in dirt —

when will they ever manage

to clear it away?


Forget the words and 

embody the meaning.



zen letters