when we see clearly


In all ten

directions of the universe,

there is just one truth. When we see clearly,

all great teachings are the same. What can ever be lost?

What can be gained?  If we gain something, it was there from

the beginning of time.  If we lose something, it is hiding

somewhere near us. Look: this ball in my pocket:

Can you see how priceless

it is?




I Ching Hexagram 43 ☯️ Kuai / Resoluteness

tjitske kamphuis


A breakthrough.

Do not be drawn back

into bad habits.


The arrival of the hexagram Kuai indicates that a long-awaited change is at hand. A difficulty that has oppressed you over a long period is now about to dissolve. It is important to respond in the proper way.

There is a temptation on obtaining relief to fall into the traps of the ego: pride at having dispersed the trouble, self-righteousness about having triumphed through correctness, anger at one who we think was the source of the problem, or a desire to remain free of all difficulty in the future. None of these responses is appropriate to the situation at hand.

What is needed now is resoluteness: a firm commitment to continuing the battle for good and to the self-examination that makes all good things possible. This is not a time to lapse back into negative mental habits and enjoy the “vacation” provided by the breakthrough. Do not rest on your laurels, but push forward, deepening your inner strength and your resistance to the influence of inferiors, both in yourself and others. Strengthen those around you by setting an example of self-improvement and self-correction. Great progress and good fortune are available now to one who makes proper use of the opening.

from The I Ching, or Book of Changes

Hexagram 43, Kuai / Breakthrough (Resoluteness)


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mountains walk and dance because of love

tim mckenna / julian herbrig


If you try to

pour the whole ocean into a pot,

it doesn’t work. You can’t put enough in to

satisfy even one human being for a single day.

The eye of a greedy person is the same: always full,

never satisfied. Only when an oyster becomes

content and stops trying to drink

the whole sea can it settle

down and make a




is torn by spiritual love

is cleansed of greed – this and every

other weakness. Be happy with this love!

It’s a very good deal – the cure for

all pain, the medicine for our

arrogance, the great




made of earth ascend

to heaven because of love.

Mountains walk and dance

because of love. Mount Sinai got

drunk with love, and Moses’s

donkey exploded

into light!


Like nay,

the reed flute, I have

stories to tell you. Anyone separated

from the Friend has hundreds of stories, too,

but no tongue to tell them. If you let the flowers wilt

and the garden die, there aren’t any more

songs from bolbol, the




whole universe, every

thing and not-thing, is the Beloved.

The lover, just a reflection of that. It’s God’s face

that’s alive, not the mirror! If a person doesn’t have the

courage to love, he’s a bird without wings. No one

can be conscious without the light of the

Friend, but with that love, you can

see truth.



your mirror

isn’t reflecting the

Beloved, then

polish it.


Jalal ad-Din Rumi

translated by Brian Browne Walker, Behzad Ghorbani, & Shahla Ghorbani